Tuesday 27 December 2011

How to impress a girl by simple joke

This is not enough funny so that people start to laugh. But it is enough good to impress a girl. Then read this joke carefully. In this joke there is girl and boy. You just change boy to you and girl to that girl which you want to impress.
Boy is saying to girl- I love your smile
girl- Why
Boy - cos'z yellow is my favorite color

 Then you should say that if your mood ever wanna to weep then just think this joke and little bit me. 

How a student can make meditation

Why some student fail after studying so hard. I know cos'z I'm passed from this situation. I've a BEST METHOD TO MAKE MEDITATION WHEN YOUR EXAM COME NEAR. Several method are given bellow :-

Note this meditation work when you are average in studies

1. Firstly you have to sure that you have to study hard and you have to take 100% marks.

2.Then don't study when teacher say. (cos'z teacher don't understand us.)

3.Told every one that you will gain 100% marks. Cos'z this will give you confidence but don't this confidence to over confidence

4.When date sheet of exam in your hand that is the time to study hard.

5. If you can't study before the date sheet came then THE BEST.

6. Then make a mug of coffee.

7. Take your every necessary things which is use in your studies. (like books, notebooks and help books)  

8. then study till night when your brain has huge pain.

9. Cool down your brain by sleeping.

10. Wake up early in the morning so that you can do your revision.

11. Do your paper. I'm sure your paper will be best.

That meditation is use for quick memories and help to forget after the EXAM.    

Saturday 12 November 2011

What a student life - Whata Hair style dude

Whata hair style

In the student life how many time you said that" WHATA HAIR STYLE." I think many time. I like hair style of other rather my hair style. But in my student life my school don't allow me to make best hair like this hairstyle.Simple-hairstyle-for-mens

What a student life - Parents problems

Parents problems

Some time parents acts like a problems. For example my parents do not allow me to access internet. So I fight with my parent. They warned me that If I would not give up access internet they will broke my pc and my cell.
I don't listen any thing that they would say. I access internet every day So I can able to make this blog.

My father always says that be careful about your studies but I don't. They would say you will destroy your Future. I say every success person in the word see failure first then he able to achieve their aim. And all people says to them you would destroy your future. So that my father keep silence.  

I give you some example of people how achieve their aim after seeing the face of failure. Like Albert Einstein. As per my knowledge I knew that  Albert Einstein is failure person. In the school time he was a weak student and couldn't able to get good grades. But After the student life he able to give us huge information. But this information is not good for modern student cos'z those student have to read Albert Einstein theory. 

Thursday 10 November 2011

A student life- Grade Problem

  Grades problem in student life

In a student life grade problrm is worst problem. If you are living student life then are may be suffered this problem many time if   you are best student. Cos'z Boring student use to study all the time and they complete their ASSIGNMENT. at the given time . I also complete my assignment after the given time by flatting my teacher she take my assignment. Where I'm Ohh on grades. Yes grades is worst problem. There is a solution in every problem. In grade problem there a solution by using this solution so you can able to get good grades then worst.
Solution is for talented person who knows the benefit of flatting. Flatting is solution of every problem but in the student  life it is the best solution then studying.

First you have flatting your teacher that helps to make good image of you in the front of teacher.While they are checking your paper they thinks that is good student so its sure good in studies so they almost forgive your mistake that you dome in the paper.

 Second you should Flatt your intelligent student so in the exam they will show some answer

Wednesday 9 November 2011

What a student life - Introduction of school life

                      In every individual life there is a best story of school. If you are now in school then you will fell that what a Fuckin school like ME. I'm also though that so. But now i"m school free But I realize what I miss In my school. In school life I lost my grades and so much. I thought that a student life a time of hell after leaving my school i realize that school life is best forever.
I make this blog for aware you to not miss some important time in student life.Some time like studies,love and so many important time that you miss and I want that you you shouldn't miss that time. I realize that i had done some wrong thing in my student life . If i didn't do those thing than my student life may full of joy and glory.
In this blog you can ask some problem which effect your student life and i will help you to solve this problem. Problem life grades, Love Problem, Torching problem etc